Córdoba was the capital of Baetia under the Romans, and capital of Western Islam in the 10th and 11th centuries.Maimonides statue seen from our room |
Córdoba was the greatest centre of learning in Europe in the medieval period. The philosophers Averroës and Moses Maimonides lived and worked here. The statue of Maimonides is right outside the window of our hotel room. We were also interested to read that Córdoba boasted the first automatic street lighting in Europe, around 1000 AD.
The drive through the Judería was interesting, through extremely narrow lanes full of pedestrian tourists. A Volvo estate tried to follow us and left a lot of paint and some bodywork behind.
We visit one of the wonders of the world, the Mezquita-Catedral, which isn't bad."Despite the presence within it of a 16th-century Christian cathedral and an older chapel, the Mezquita remains the most substantial and most impressive relic of the Islamic presence in Spain." [Roger Collins, Spain: an Oxford Archaeological Guide]
Christian vaulting above the Moorish arches |
Each rebuilding used stones, columns and capitals from the previous stages, and it was enlarged until it was the second largest in the Muslim world, the third largest ever built, the greatest in the West. When Córdoba was conquered by the Christians in 1236, the mosque was converted to a Cathedral, but they were at first respectful. A small Mudéjar chapel to complement the Mezquita was added in 1371. In 1523 Charles V permitted the construction of the Capilla Real and Catedral in the centre of the mosque, although even he was said to be horrified by the results of this "desecration", as the Blue Guide describes it.. The qibla, or South Wall, incorporating the mihrab, was bricked up following the reconquest, and not uncovered until the nineteenth century, and so has survived well, and is very impressive.
Qibla in the Mezquita-Cathedral |
The Rio Guadalquivir was once navigable from the sea to here, and the Puente Romano dates back to the time of Julius Caesar. Apart from all of the stones having been replaced over the years, it is a real, original Roman bridge.
We considered the advice of the guide books in respect of the the Museum of the Life of Al-Andalus in the Torre de la Calahorra - "should be every first-time visitor's initial stop in Córdoba" [Thomas Cook], "gimmicky" [both Cadogan and Rough Guide], and decided to skip it.